Soapy soap!

Thursday, 26 January 2012 0 comments
Meaning of soap 

3D soap hehe

A cleaning or emulsifying agent by reacting animal or vegetable fats or oils with potassium or sodium hydroxide . Soaps often contains coloring matter and perfume and act by emulsifying grease and lowering the surface tension of water , so it more readily penetrates open materials such as textile . :)

Soap also a substance used for washing or cleaning , consisting of a mixture of sodium or potassium salts of naturally occurring fatty acids. Like detergents , soap work by surrounding particles of grease or dirt with their molecules, thereby allowing them to be carried away . Unlike detergents , soap react with the minerals common in most water , forming an insoluble film that remains on fabrics. For this reason soap is not as efficient a cleaner as most detergents . The films also is what causes rings to form in bathtub. ;)

Beautiful bathtub :)

Then now ~

Soap preparation process

One of the organic chemical reactions known to ancient man was the preparation of soaps through a reaction called saponification. Natural soaps are sodium or potassium salts of fatty acids, originally made by boiling lard or other animal fat together with lye or potash ( potassium hydroxide ) . Hydrolysis of fats and oils occurs, yielding glycerol and crude soap.

In the industrial manufacture of soap, tallow (fat from animals such as cattle and sheep) or vegetable fat is heated with sodium hydroxide . Once the saponification reaction is complete , sodium chloride is added to precipitate the soap . The water layer is drawn off the top of the mixture and the glycerol is recovered using vacuum distillation

This is vacuum distillation - source google image

This is cattle . This animal's fat is used in soap preparation hahaa

This sheep is from Icelandic . Cute

Beautiful eggplant . Example of vegetables .

by :


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